Ind AS is bringing biggest accounting revolution in India

For Ind AS Training contact

Ind AS requires valuation as per Ind AS 113

For Any Valuation under Ind AS contact

Ind AS is required to be Implemented by an expert

We have a dedicated Ind AS team who are doing Implementation for some big companies.

Ind AS is a futuristic accounting standard

Dont run away from Ind AS, get trained by our trainers.

Is your company Ind AS compliant ??

Get Ind AS implementaion done and understand its Impact on your tax.

Exemptions in Ind AS 101 - First time adaption of Ind AS - Decoded

IFRS converged Ind AS has hit the door as many companies are preparing their comparatives under Ind AS for June 2016, which is June 2015 as well as March 2015 for Opening figures.

Optional Exemptions

Currently, Ind AS 101, has 20 optional exemption from retrospective application and the same has been categorized based on its importance and impact on financial statement  which are as follows